Thursday, June 28, 2007

June 2007

Hot, hot hot in Rhode Island this week. The arugula has bolted. I am allowing it to go to seed so I can plant more next year. The other
Red and Green lettuce ready for harvest
lettuces have not bolted yet, but they will soon with the hot weather. Basil is very happy and we'll have a good harvest this week. Tomatoes shot up this week and are flowering like crazy. Now it's up to the bees to do their job. I also planted some tomato seedlings in #6. Peppers are also flowering. In fact, many of the Red Dawn peppers already have pods on them! Eggplant is growing well, with fewer flowers. I planted some eggplant seedlings in #5. Sunflowers are getting ready to bloom. They will like the hot weather. Corn is starting to get tall. A few more weeks and we'll be swimming in Painted Mountain corn. Some squash has started to flower, so I took off the row covers to allow them to pollinate. Beets will be ready to harvest soon

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