Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 2007

Morning Glory in bloom

One Love farm planted two varieties of Morning Glory this year. One is the typical Heavenly Blue and the other is Scarlett O'Hara. The colors match the names, of course. Morning Glory is a perennial in tropical regions, but in New England, they are grown as an annual. Morning Glory sends out tons of tendrils so they are great for climbing and on trellises.

Morning Glory spreads like crazy so I keep it out of garden beds with other plants as Morning Glory can strangle other plants with its runners. In fact, Morning Glory has become a problematic invasive weed in Australia.

One of my favorite characteristics of Morning Glory is that it attracts hummingbirds. that is why I put a bunch on the patio at One Love Farm. Every spring, we sell Morning Glory seedlings at the Farmer's Market.

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