Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lettuce and Beet greens!

Beet Greens

It's been a very hot few days at One Love Farm.
97 degrees was the high yesterday and the weather forecast is more of the same today. Normally, lettuce and greens would hate this kind of weather. Hot weather causes lettuce and greens to go to seed. And we do expect the Arugula to bolt (go to seed) soon.

However, due to the cooler and wetter than normal early spring, lettuce and greens were off to a slow start. This weather will cause them to grow. In fact, I was amazed at how the beets shot up in one single day of high 90 degree temperatures yesterday.

Lots of people at the farmers' market ask how to prepare beet greens. At One Love Farm, we simply wash them and add them to a mix of other lettuce or arugula greens. They add a mild beet flavor to salads.

Some people like to cook the beet greens. Here are a couple of recipes to try. Remember, you can always omit the bacon or substitute water for chicken stock if you want to make the recipe vegetarian.



We may have our first harvest of lettuce this week. At One Love Farm we grow a variety of red and green loose leaf lettuce. It has an amazing flavor and is wonderful with beet greens or arugula or just by itself with oil and vinegar.

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