Sunday, May 17, 2009

Opening Day

Saturday was the first market of the season at the Richmond Farmers' Market. The weather was perfect and turnout was tremendous.

Above is a picture of the Future Farmers' of America tent at the market. The kids at Exeter-West Greenwich High School have been growing plants all spring and they sold the fruits of their labor to many happy customers. You can see the One Love Farm tent right next to the FFA tent. Karen took a picture of the tent with the new One Love Farm banner, but for some reason I had a rotton look on my face, so I'm not posting it!

Since spring has been cool and wet in New England, not many crops are ready for sale. Cedar Edge Farm has lots of veggie and flower transplants, but One Love Farm won't have spring crops like lettuce for a couple of weeks. We do have a limited supply of chili powder and cayenne pepper along with birdhouses I made from gourds we grew last year. The market is also selling Narragansett Creamery
cheeses. This week we sold out of all our cheese, so be sure to get to the market early to get yours! Next week Chariho's signing group Encore will be performing at the market. See you there.

Above is a picture of Cedar Edge Farm selling veggie, herb and flower transplants.

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