Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weeping Cherry

We purchased this weeping cherry from Meadowbrook Herb Garden years ago when we were looking for a tree to put near our berm. It was near the end of the season and this tree was one of the few left. It had a certain Charlie Brown Christmas tree charm due to its crooked trunk and the fact that it was sitting alone in the nursery. We have since enjoyed this tree's blooms every spring. However, we do have to keep on top of pruning it back because it sends out runners relentlessly. We took one of the runners and replanted it two years ago and it is now thriving as a traditional "upright" tree with a straight trunk. Last year, my brother visited from California. I was showing him the tree when a bee landed on my arm, then another and another and another. Dozens of bees were coming after me! I got away with a single sting and it was only later that I discovered a huge bee's nest under the canopy of the tree. The hive was huge, bigger than a football and invisible because of the dense canopy of the tree. In the winter the hive fell off the tree and we discarded it, but I am sure the bees will be back this spring.

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