Wednesday, June 9, 2010


One Love Farm used to be part of strawberry farm back in the 90's. Because of this, there was absolutely no landscaping or ornamental plants near the house. For the past eight years we have been working to not only get the planting beds up to par, but also to create ornamental gardens. One of the focal points is the berm. We have put in a water garden and many perennials that have filled in and thrived over the past few years. Earlier postings about weeping cherry and Dianthus and Foxglove and Mountain Laurel were all about plantings on the berm.

As these larger plantings and some trees have filled in, we have been able to put in some other perennial plantings to fill in spaces. We have used Jumiper, lillies, lavender and Lupine to fill in these spots. Lupine has been cultivated by humans for centuries. Native Americans harvested the beans and Romans planted it as their empire spread. Most gardeners are familiar with the spikes of the ornamental variety which is quite striking in late spring and early summer.

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