Sunday, September 12, 2010

Black Cherry Tomato

We usually don't grow a lot of cherry tomatoes at One Love Farm. They split so easily and a lot of them don't have much flavor because they suck up so much water. But, this spring I found a Black Cherry Tomato and decided to plant a few. What I got really surprised me. The flavor is very sweet but also rich and complex. Like a Cherokee Purple, but in a smaller container.

I have tried to research the origins of this tomato, but there is not much information about it. Except that this is an heirloom, I don't know a lot about this variety except that it is delicious.

Unfortunately, when the remains of Hurricane Earl blew through Rhode Island and dropped two inches of rain, all the cherry tomatoes split. But, there are still some green ones out there, so I hope we will have a few of these delicous tomatoes before the season ends!

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