Sunday, June 26, 2011


Years ago, our friend at Fenner Hill Farm kept turtles with their sheep. We would bring some of our lettuce when it went to seed to feed the turtles. They loved the greens and we liked watching them happily gobble them up. Our friend gave us the cactus in the picture above as a thank you for the feeding the turtles.

We planted the cactus outside, not expecting much, and for years, our expectations were met. Then a couple of weeks ago, Karen dug up the cactus along with a nearby Azalea. Karen replanted the Azalea in a bed next to the driveway. She put he cactus in a pot and put it on the patio along with some newly potted Hydrangea and Margarite Daisies. Wouldn't you know it, the cactus immediately took to its new home, sent out dozens of new buds and bloomed with the first flower ever this morning. The lesson we learn over and over again is, if a plant is struggling in one spot, try moving it to another spot. It just might thrive with a change of scenery.

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