Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Oak Park Hates Veggies

My motto as a homeowner has always been "More garden, less lawn." That means taking up grass whenever possible and planting veggies. Then, I learned about the City of Oak Park, MI prosecuting a homeowner for doing just that...

The town rips up your front yard to put in a new sewer line. Instead of planting grass you decide to put in a veggie garden. Nice raised beds to plant tomatoes and cucumbers to feed your family. What a good example to set for your kids to teach them where their food comes from.

Then, the city gives you a ticket because your garden is not to code. Why? Because the city thinks that the only things you can plant in your front yard is grass and trees. You put up a website and Facebook page to show the insanity of the ticket in hopes that the city will see the error of its ways. Instead, you are charged with a misdemeanor and face 3 months in the gray bar hotel. Much media coverage ensures and the City Planner, instead of making an apology digs in his heels. In the end, there is a happy ending. The court drops all the crazy charges against you.

A postscript to this story has the woman in Oak Park, MI moving to Seattle with her family so her husband can take a new job with Amazon.com. I am sure the city of Seattle is more accommodating to veggie gardens.

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