Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Our Beets and Carrots have been ravaged this fall. Not the root, just the tops. It looks like someone went down the row with a weed whacker. At first I thought it might be rabbits, but we haven't seen rabbits in several weeks at the farm (Coyotes must have got them). Then, I thought it might be deer because I saw a few tracks near the planting beds. I couldn't really make out the type of tracks since the rain had distorted the shapes of the tracks. But, we haven't seen any deer at the farm recently.

We have, however, seen coyotes lately at the farm. Even though they are normally nocturnal animals, I have seen them during the morning and evening. Today, Karen saw two coyotes in the garden and took the pictures you see above. They were having a grand old time eating the tops of beets. Karen scared them off, but now I have to find a way to organically get rid of them without hurting them. The only real method I have seen online is by using wolf urine, since wolves are natural predators of coyotes. We'll see how it goes, but I'm open to ideas if you want to drop me an email.

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