Sunday, April 8, 2012


Last year my friends Mike and Lynee and their family visited from Chicago. We had a great time eating some farm fresh food, telling tall tales from the old days, drinking wine and walking around One Love Farm. Their children even helped harvest some tomatoes. Mike saw my pea trellis (pictured above) and was teasing my about its non symmetrical form. I told him that I had built it that way on purpose, sort of an art deco garden piece. He wasn't having it and made fun of my admittedly poor carpentry skills.

This year I dutifully planted my peas on St. Joseph's Day and have been watering them daily since we have had very little rain this spring. Today as I was watering the peas I was thinking to myself that I will have the last laugh when my eyesore in the backyard is covered in pea pods.

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