Thursday, June 21, 2012


When you think of lettuce, you probably think of heads of Romaine or Bibb or maybe Iceberg. Sometimes we grow head lettuce at One Love Farm, but my preference is to grow a lettuce mix and harvest the leaves when they are small.

This year I am growing two different lettuce mixes. The first picture is a mild lettuce mix that is great for salads. It has some red and green Romaine lettuce, some Bibb lettuce and Oakleaf as well as some other varieties of greens. The second picture is a heartier mix of greens that has Tot Soi, Arugula, Kale and even Mustard Greens. This mix is also good for salads, but can be lightly sauteed in olive oil as well.

At peak season, we harvest ten pounds of greens or more per week which means we have lots for our friends at the Richmond Farmers' Market and the Charlestown Farmers' Market. In fact, greens are such an important part of farmers' markets that we have a special event at the Richmond Farmers' Market. It's called Greens Day and all the farms feature tons of samples of the greens they are growing, including lots of heirloom varieties. This year, Greens Day is scheduled for June 30th.

If you're growing greens, they like lots of sun and steady watering. A little organic fertilizer and keeping the beds weed free will also ensure a good crop of lettuce. Two other things to keep in mind when growing lettuce. First, plant some lettuce every two weeks so that you get a continuous supply. Second, lettuce likes cool weather. Plant early in the season and late in the season for best results. But, if you want to grow lettuce in the heat of the summer, be sure to find a heat resistant variety to grow.

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