Tuesday, August 28, 2012


About ten years ago, Karen's brother made an off the cuff remark that we should build a berm in our backyard. We took his advice and trucked in 120 yards of topsoild and planted trees, herbs and ornamentals. It took a couple of years to fill out, but now it's the centerpiece of our landscape, providing privacy for our brick patio (which Karen's brother helped me build) and year round beauty and interest.

In the past, I've posted about the plants on the berm many times. Here are links to some of those posts about plants like mountain laurel, creeping phlox, lupine, roses, columbine, dianthus, weeping cherry, and other blooms. The picture above is an area of the berm on the other side of the patio where rose of sharon, black eyed susan and russian sage are all blooming like crazy right now.

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