Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall planting

Though most of the harvest is done for the year, there is still lots to be done before the ground freezes for the winter. Shrubs, like lilacs, can be transplanted. Bulbs can be planted. Beds can be cleaned of weeds and debris so they are ready for planting in the spring.

Yesterday I was doing another fall chore, planting garlic. Garlic likes to be planted in the fall. The cloves will overwinter and then send up green shoots in the spring. When they send out their seed pod in the form of a garlic scape in June, you cut that off to promote growth of the bulb below the soil. When the leaves turn brown, you harvest the bulb.

Usually, we harvest garlic in August and even September. But, like everything else, garlic was early this year so we harvested in July. This year, I am planting a variety of garlic from Russia. It is supposed to be a more flavorful variety. While planting the garlic, I noticed a couple of onions left behind in the bed. Since we are down to our last few onions harvested this year, I gladly grabbed them and brought them into the house. I'm sure we'll find a good use for them!

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