Sunday, July 3, 2011


I've complained about our late spring this year. But, even though it took longer for some veggies to get going, and some perennials bloomed late, many perennials are coming in at the same time as last year or even earlier. That is noteworthy because as I posted last year, everything bloomed and harvested early in 2010. For example, we have lavender before July 4th this year, just like last year. And, Elderberries are finishing up their blooms, where they were just starting last year at this time. Last year, I posted a recipe for Elderberry Lemonade and here is a link to a bunch of adult drinks featuring Elderflower Syrup. This year, I've made a bunch of Elderflower Syrup and am going to try and make a minty, lemony, Elderflower Sorbet out of it. We'll see.

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