Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cherry Tomato Salsa

Three pounds of Cherry Tomatoes. Washed and ready for the oven

Roasted Cherry Tomatoes. Sweet and caramelized, rich and smokey.

The Final Product. Ready to be served or jarred and preserved.

Of the varieties of tomato we grew for the first time this year, my favorite is Matt's Wild Cherry (here is a post about my now second favorite, Black Cherry Tomato). The tomatoes are small, but pack a great flavor. This heirloom variety produces like crazy, so we have tons to eat fresh, sell at the farmers' market and still have a lot left over. That's fine because I love preserving tomatoes. My favorite way as I have posted about before is by freezing, especially the heirloom varieties. But we also can some salsa and marina in jars.

While I have seen people freeze Cherry Tomatoes, I decided to make these into a salsa this week. I took three pounds of Matt's Wild Cherry Tomatoes, roasted them in the oven until they were caramelized.

I also roasted my Onions, Sweet Peppers and Garlic with some salt an olive oil until they were soft and caramelized as well.

Once cooled, I used an immersion blender to make the tomatoes into a smooth sauce and cooked them in a sauce pan until the sauce gave up half its volume. I chopped and added the peppers, onions and garlic and let the salsa simmer for another 30 minutes. I added a little salt and the salsa was ready to go! Here is a post with another salsa recipe. I put some in sterilized jars and processed in a water bath for 45 minutes. That salsa will be wonderful this winter. The rest I will have on the side of our meal of roasted garden veggies tonight(Potatoes, Peppers, Onions).

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